SN b.flex economy+ for the price of a b.light economy ticket



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3 destinations in b.flex economy+ for just €99*

This weekend, we offer you Hannover, Vilnius and ... Toulouse in b.flex economy+ for the price of a b.light economy ticket: only €99 return, incl. taxes. Hurry! You can book till Sunday evening for take-off over any of the 4 following weekends !

Check back with us every friday for three new city trips!

Brussels Airlines - Thank God It's Flyday!

(*)Offer depends on availability. Return prices in b.flex economy+ from Brussels. Valid only on above mentioned Brussels Airlines operated flights. Valid only for return flights. Total price includes all taxes and fees, 1 piece of 23kg luggage and online check-in. Available if booked on Brussels Airlines website or via your travel agent. Minimum stay: a night from Saturday to Sunday, maximum stay: 7 days. Travel period: until 28 March 2012 (last return: 04 April). In the framework of Thank God It's Flyday, this b.flex economy+ ticket does not include any of the usual rights of reimbursement or exchange.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Irgendwie absehbar, dass das SN Konzept mit dem ohne alles für die bezahlbareren Tickets langsam den Bach runtergeht.

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