US - Visa - System Issues



Erfahrenes Mitglied
Zur Zeit koennen aufgrund technicher Probleme weltweit keine Visa fuer die USA ausgestellt, seit 9. Juni.
ESTA ist davon - da visa-free - meines Wissens nach nicht betroffen.

Technological Systems Issue

[h=2]Visa Systems Issues[/h]The Bureau of Consular Affairs continues to experience technical problems with our visa systems. This is a global issue, and we are working around the clock to fix it. More than 100 computer experts from both the private and public sectors across the United States are working on this problem 24/7. That said, we do not expect the system will be online before next week. The problems stem from a hardware failure in a State Department facility in the United States on June 9. That failure is preventing the Department from processing and transmitting biometric data checks at visa-issuing embassies and consulates. We cannot bypass the legal requirements to screen visa applicants before we issue visas for travel. Each visa decision is a national security decision, and we take our obligation to protect the United States seriously.
We regret the inconvenience to travelers and recognize that this is causing hardship to those waiting for visas, and in some cases, their family members or employers in the United States. We will continue to post regular updates on our website,


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Betrifft im uebrigen auch GE applications. Da staut sich die Wartezeit fuer ein Review gerade auf 4-12 Wochen.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Huch - das ist aber heftig ... :eek:

Keine Visa-Ausstellung seit fast 10 Tagen (je nach Zeitzone) und Besserung nicht in Sicht (not before next week) ... Übel!
Da wird es einige Reisepläne zerhauen! :(

Der vermeintliche Befall von Hardware (The problems stem from a hardware failure in a State Department facility in the United States on June 9. That failure is preventing the Department from processing and transmitting biometric data checks at visa-issuing embassies and consulates. We cannot bypass the legal requirements to screen visa applicants before we issue visas for travel) erinnert einen irgendwie an den Hack des Bundestag-Netzwerks. ;)


Erfahrenes Mitglied
85% sind wieder online. Frankfurt war am 25. Juni noch nicht mit dabei.

The Bureau of Consular Affairs reports that 165 posts, representing more than 85 percent of our nonimmigrant visa demand worldwide, are now online and issuing visas.

Posts overseas issued more than 82,000 visas on June 24.

Posts overseas have issued more than 238,000 non-immigrant visas this week. For context, if systems had been operating normally, posts would have issued approximately 540,000 visas since the outage started.

We will continue to bring additional posts online until connectivity with all posts is restored. All posts worldwide are now scheduling interviews with applicants, including with those who applied after the systems problems began on June 9.

We deeply regret the inconvenience to travelers who are waiting for visas, as well as their families and U.S. businesses that have been affected.

We continue to post updates to our website,