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Ich habe gestern als Zanox-Publisher eine E-Mail vom Programmverantwortlichen einer Airline erhalten. Der Name der Airline wurde von mir unkenntlich gemacht:

Dear publishers,

Due to the unstable situation in the travel industry and the loss of several airlines over the last year we want to make the situation clear for the publishers. At the moment we have no information about the poor financial situation of the customer, payments for previous months have also been dealt with but if a customer goes bankrupt zanox will not take financial responsibility for any costs associated with the promotion of the program ( like it was in case of other airlines programs) and any claims should be made ​​directly to the customer.

At the moment, there is no reason for concern but zanox wants to announce its position clear in the case of the client's financial problems.
Mail is not only related with the xxx program, and is or will be send to all publishers participating in similar programs.

please continue promoting the program as usual.

xxx / zanox

Fraglich ist, warum eine solche E-Mail, eindeudig auf diese Airline bezogen, versendet wird. Anscheinend gab es mehrere Rückfragen, so dass mich heute diese E-Mail erreichte. Die macht's aber nicht mehr besser...

Dear publishers,

In connection with a number of questions related with the last email we want to re-assure you that the current situation in program is stable. Zanox not see a reason for concern, however, wants the situation was clear to all publishers participating in the program.
In case of any problems with the airlines related with non-payment on their part zanox will not respond financially for any costs incurred by publishers as it did in the case of bankruptcy of other airlines.

xxx / zanox


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Nein, die Airline, um die es geht, steht aber auch im Untertitel des Forums "Sonstige europäische Airlines"...