Masterthread Registration-Suche



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Reaktionen: bursche99


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Du hast recht @SaschaX99 (y) ich hab oben einfach nen dummen Kopier-Fehler gemacht. :doh:
(euul hatte ja auch schon den richtigen)
ich werd das irgendwie im Post kenntlich machen als bullshxx
Sorry fuer die Verwirrung - 9V-SKD ist schon richtig, die Daten hatte ich aber aus meinem Suchprogramm kopiert (wo ich als Input den Flug vom Vortag hatte).

Und an der Stelle auch nochmal ein großes Dankeschön an @bursche99 und Deine Quelle aus VIE für den Fund :kiss:

Eine Rückmeldung wollte ich auch noch geben:
ich klär das gerne mal mit München, aber erst wenn wir den Dienstag 18.8. Abflug IAD sicher geklärt haben. (ich befürchte sonst sagt mir der Flughafen das gleiche, "kein Flug an dem Tag...")

Fotos sicher August 2009? 18.8. abends in IAD aufgenommen, oder next day in München?... (erkennt man oft am Tageslicht)
Foto-Erinnerungen und Email-Bestätigungen gibt's hier viele... nur wenn die Tracks nicht passen stellt man oft fest dass es ein anderes Jahr, ein anderer Flughafen etc. war.
Leider konnte ich hier nicht viel herausfinden, außer dass wir tatsächlich nach FRA geflogen sind. Die Suche kannst Du also ersatzlos streichen, den vermuteten "Ersatzflug" LH419 (D-ABVA) habe ich gefunden.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Yes, I tried that source, but I think some of these regional carriers in the US were too small to report to BTS those years. I can check again, since it's been a few years since I have looked. The others (SJO, LIR) are not US domestic.
As far as I can tell, none of these are in BTS, with one exception:

2006-01-12 AA2127 MIA LIR 1056 1243 B738 the_citrus

MATCH in US DoT / Bureau of Transportation Statistics: N3DKAA
---> 2006,1,1,12,4,2006-01-12,"AA",19805,"AA","N3DKAA","2127",10693,1069301,30693,"BNA","Nashville, TN","TN","47","Tennessee",54,13303,1330302,32467,"MIA","Miami, FL","FL","12","Florida",33,"0645","0642",-3.00,0.00,0.00,-1,"0600-0659",10.00,"0652","0936",5.00,"0955","0941",-14.00,0.00,0.00,-1,"0900-0959",0.00,"",0.00,130.00,119.00,104.00,1.00,806.00,4,,,,,,"",,,,,,,,"",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","",

I don't know if it's plausible that the same plane flew BNA-MIA-LIR or if AA was simply reusing flight numbers. Also, I can't find any reference to a plane with the registration N-3DKAA, so that might be a problem with the BTS data?

Edit: according to this seems to be the internal fleet number AA uses. So maybe it can be mapped to the actual tail number if you find the right sources?

Edit2: This appears to be N977AN:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Erfahrenes Mitglied
As far as I can tell, none of these are in BTS, with one exception:

2006-01-12 AA2127 MIA LIR 1056 1243 B738 the_citrus

MATCH in US DoT / Bureau of Transportation Statistics: N3DKAA
---> 2006,1,1,12,4,2006-01-12,"AA",19805,"AA","N3DKAA","2127",10693,1069301,30693,"BNA","Nashville, TN","TN","47","Tennessee",54,13303,1330302,32467,"MIA","Miami, FL","FL","12","Florida",33,"0645","0642",-3.00,0.00,0.00,-1,"0600-0659",10.00,"0652","0936",5.00,"0955","0941",-14.00,0.00,0.00,-1,"0900-0959",0.00,"",0.00,130.00,119.00,104.00,1.00,806.00,4,,,,,,"",,,,,,,,"",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","","",,,"",,,"","",

I don't know if it's plausible that the same plane flew BNA-MIA-LIR or if AA was simply reusing flight numbers. Also, I can't find any reference to a plane with the registration N-3DKAA, so that might be a problem with the BTS data?

Edit: according to this seems to be the internal fleet number AA uses. So maybe it can be mapped to the actual tail number if you find the right sources?

Edit2: This appears to be N977AN:
At least that reg was not listed in the depatures from MIA so there is a chance that it really flew MIA-LIR.

Regarding the fleet number: in #4 you can also find a good description for AA flights solved with BTS 😊
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Reaktionen: bursche99 und euul


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Regarding the fleet number: in #4 you can also find a good description for AA flights solved with BTS 😊
I have extracted it from the general sources hints.. and made a dedicated post for it in #7 BTS On-Time fleet based search

..., außer dass wir tatsächlich nach FRA geflogen sind. Die Suche kannst Du also ersatzlos streichen, den vermuteten "Ersatzflug" LH419 (D-ABVA) habe ich gefunden.
2009-08-18 LH0415 IAD MUC 2010 1025 euul (see #6362) ✅
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Reaktionen: SaschaX99 und euul


Erfahrenes Mitglied
bist Du so nett und sagst mir wo Du den gefunden hast?
Klar, die Daten kommen von einem Bekannten der einen Scanner betreibt bzw. betrieben hat (Rhein/Main-Gebiet). Der hatte mir auch schon bei ein paar von meinen eigenen Flügen geholfen.
Wobei die Daten aus dem Zeitraum, in dem er das gemacht hat (so ab 2010), sowieso ziemlich gut sind. Daher wollte ich ihn nicht zu oft mit Anfragen belästigen :no:
Er hat wohl auch damals einige der größeren Trackingseiten mit Daten versorgt.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Kannst ihm gerne sagen dass wir seine (Roh-)Daten (über)nehmen, dann musst Du ihn nicht belästigen. 😇
Rhein-Main hört sich nach FRA :love: das würde viele viele Löcher schließen...
  • Love
Reaktionen: SaschaX99


Neues Mitglied

Could someone please help me with this flights? I'm missing the registration on both of them:
2010-04-05 IT202 BLR-DEL ---- ---- A321 ananthmohanram
2013-07-13 MI435 MAA-SIN ---- ---- A319 ananthmohanram

If my memory works to recollect flights from 10 years ago, I'm guessing MI435 is 9V-SBE (unsure).


Erfahrenes Mitglied

Could someone please help me with this flights? I'm missing the registration on both of them:
2010-04-05 IT202 BLR-DEL ---- ---- A321 ananthmohanram
2013-07-13 MI435 MAA-SIN ---- ---- A319 ananthmohanram

If my memory works to recollect flights from 10 years ago, I'm guessing MI435 is 9V-SBE (unsure).

found 2013-07-13 MI0435 MAA-SIN ---- ---- A319 ananthmohanram 9V-SBE #6436
2013/07/13 08:32;SLK435;SLK435;-;9V-SBE;76CC45;SilkAir;A319
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Reaktionen: bursche99


Aktives Mitglied
Nach einer weiteren Runde am Dachboden des Elternhauses ergaben sich noch ein paar kleinere Funde...
In einem Kalender war das genaue Flugdatum vermerkt. Die Flugzeiten stammen aus den Reiseunterlagen, wo nur noch der Wochentag vermerkt ist.
1994-03-26 AB---- NUE-LPA 0500 0845 B734 marco1 [D-ABAB,-C,-D,-E,-F,-G]
1994-04-09 AB---- LPA-NUE 1520 2050 B734 marco1 (evtl. AB0911) [D-ABAB,-C,-D,-E,-F,-G]


Es hat sich durch einen Zuordnungsfehler noch eine weitere NUE-SKG-NUE Verbindung aufgetan - diesmal in den zweiwöchigen Pfingstferien 1993.

Die Faktenlage ist leider sehr dünn.
Das Einzige was in Erinnerung blieb, war beim Rückflug der Start in Dunkelheit spät abends direkt in ein echt übles Gewitter ⛈️.
Danach wollte ich als Kind erst mal nicht mehr am Fenster sitzen... :eek:

Die Fluggesellschaft blieb trotzdem nicht in Erinnerung, weshalb ich wieder auf die Condor (ggf. Germania) tippen würde.
Zudem passt auch ein Rückflug zur 'Basis' spät abends.

Es sollte damals ja nicht allzuviele Verbindungen SKG-NUE gegeben haben.
Wäre im Condor-Flugplan da wieder was passendes dabei? (analog 1991 donnerstags DE2895 SKG NUE 2100 2325)

1993-06-10 DE---- SKG-NUE 2200 ---- marco1 (Start spät abends schon bei Dunkelheit; Zeitraum 5.-13. Juni)

Der Hinflug NUE-SKG eine Woche zuvor (bei Flugtag Sa/So theoretisch auch zwei Wochen).

Bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar, damit ich wieder auf meine 100% Zuordnung zu einer Fluggesellschaft komme...

Auf einem alten Sonnenschirm klebte tatsächlich noch ein "Kreutzer"-Aufkleber dieser Saloniki-Reise mit den Großeltern.
Das war der Rückflug aus SKG mit dem Start nachts direkt in ein heftiges Gewitter, den ich schonmal anfragt (und eigentlich gelöst bekommen) habe.
Nun hat sich aber ergeben, dass dies nicht 1993, sondern in den Pfingstferien 1992 gewesen sein muss.

Die Fluggesellschaft ist nicht im Gedächtnis geblieben, was die Condor auch im Hinblick auf Kreutzer als Reiseveranstalter noch wahrscheinlicher macht.
Condor flog auch 1991 & 1993 diese Strecke - mit B733.

Ferien waren 06.06.1992 - 21.06.1992 für einen ein- bis zweiwöchigen Urlaub:

Das heißt für den Hinflug:
1992-06-[06-14] DE---- NUE-SKG marco1

1992-06-[13-21] DE---- SKG-NUE marco1 (abends bei Nacht; 3-3 Bestuhlung)

Hat jemand den Flugplan NUE/Condor aus dem Sommer 1992 zur Hand und kann etwas eingrenzen?

Adam Smith

Reguläres Mitglied
Many of these are long shots, I’m sure, but this forum has found all sorts of crazy stuff out there, so I’m back with another batch of requests as I try to help another friend.

I know it’s quite a few, but I’ve already done about 700 myself – these are the ones I’ve not been able to find! Notes below on the sources I’ve checked.

As always, I appreciate the assistance of this community 😊

I don’t think any of the major tracking sites would have these since they're so old, not sure there’s anywhere they could be found:

1990-07-14 CP0071 FRA YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1993-12-20 2T0107 YVR YOW ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1994-01-03 2T0108 YOW YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1995-08-18 AC0177 YOW YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1998-11-23 TS0290 YVR PVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1998-11-30 TS0291 PVR YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith

Not in FlightStats, FlightAware (either it was checked and the registration isn’t stored with the flight or this is before FlightAware kept tail numbers with flight numbers), or ACARSD (either ACARSD was checked or it was not running at the time of this flight):

1999-11-25 TS0252 YVR POP ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1999-12-02 TS0253 POP YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2000-07-11 QF0004 YVR HNL 2020 ---- --- Adam Smith
2000-07-18 QF0003 HNL YVR 0050 ---- --- Adam Smith
2001-02-23 TS0256 YVR PVR 0600 ---- --- Adam Smith
2001-03-01 TS---- PVR YVR 1400 ---- --- Adam Smith
2002-06-18 AC8260 YCD YVR 1140 ---- --- Adam Smith
2002-06-18 AC0248 YVR YEG 1230 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-07-31 TS0852 YVR FRA 1740 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-11 LH4272 MUC BCN 1110 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-17 LH5843 BCN MUC 1200 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-22 TS0853 FRA YEG 1555 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-25 TS---- YEG YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-04-29 VE0205 MSE AMS ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-05-26 FR0025 BVA DUB ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-08-08 AC0162 YVR YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-08-09 AC7966 YYZ PIT ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2005-08-14 AC7947 PIT YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2005-08-14 AC0137 YVR YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-10 5G5110 YVR YYC ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-10 5G5110 YYC VRA ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-17 5G5111 VRA YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (late-night departure, arrived YVR early AM on the 18th)
2007-07-01 AC8183 YVR YXJ 0907 1144 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2007-07-01 9M0747 YXJ YYE 1430 1420 BEH Adam Smith
2007-07-27 9M0794 YYE YXJ 1340 1530 BEH Adam Smith
2007-05-26 WS0136 YVR YEG 1000 1223 736 Adam Smith
2007-05-27 AC0247 YEG YVR 1721 1753 E90 Adam Smith
2008-01-16 WS0978 YYZ MIA 0801 1110 73G Adam Smith
2008-01-17 JM0020 MIA MBJ 1004 1130 320 Adam Smith
2008-01-22 JM0025 MBJ MIA 1727 1859 320 Adam Smith
2008-01-25 WS0683 YYZ YVR 1758 2008 738 Adam Smith (the ACARSD hit for this date is the previous date’s flight – this straddles midnight GMT on 25th/26th)
2008-05-10 WS0170 YVR YEG 1332 1552 736 Adam Smith
2008-05-23 AC0178 YEG YYZ 1538 2128 320 Adam Smith
2009-02-07 AC0234 YVR YEG 0839 1109 E90 Adam Smith
2009-02-08 AC0255 YEG YVR 2306 2345 E90 Adam Smith
2009-02-28 AC8596 YVR SFO 1427 1700 CR9 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith
2009-04-23 GF0547 AUH BAH 2300 2305 320 Adam Smith (note this flight was delayed almost 12 hours, but I don’t have actuals – these are the scheduled date/time)
2009-05-24 G40201 BLI LAS 0930 1144 --- Adam Smith (not in BTS either)
2009-05-28 G40589 LAS BLI 1635 1849 --- Adam Smith (not in BTS either)
2009-10-13 QF2380 BNE HVB 1710 1803 DH3 Adam Smith (op by SSQ)
2010-01-10 CO0288 YVR IAH 0751 1415 739 Adam Smith
2010-01-18 9K0882 STT SJU 1540 1613 --- Adam Smith
2010-04-02 UAL6705 YEG ORD 1250 1725 CR7 Adam Smith (op by OO)
2010-04-11 HC0901 KEF CPH 0700 1209 --- Adam Smith (may have been operated by 5W)
2010-06-05 AC0238 YVR YEG 1248 1509 320 Adam Smith
2010-06-07 AC0253 YEG YVR 1851 1922 E90 Adam Smith
2011-12-01 LH2233 CDG MUC 1722 1839 319 Adam Smith (doesn’t look to be in DFLD MUC Tagesstatistik?)
2012-03-12 9M0804 YVR YDQ 1245 1445 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-03-12 9M0804 YDQ YYE 1510 1610 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-01 9M0805 YYE YDQ 1635 1735 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-01 9M0805 YDQ YVR 1830 2030 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-03 CM0303 LAX PTY 01541011 738 Adam Smith
2013-10-07 AC0616 YYZ YHZ 1710 2017 320 Adam Smith
2014-09-01 9M0795 YXJ YYE 1310 1400 D38 Adam Smith
2014-09-21 9M0796 YYE YXJ 1445 1535 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-01 9M0791 YXJ YYE 1050 1040 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-22 9M0756 YYE YXS 1130 1310 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-22 9M0756 YXS YVR 1410 1535 D38 Adam Smith
2015-01-12 AC8406 YLW YYC 1000 1159 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-02-28 AC8360 YQU YEG 0554 0710 DH3 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-04-09 9M0791 YXJ YYE 0950 1040 D38 Adam Smith
2015-06-14 LH1844 MUC FCO 1236 1409 321 Adam Smith (DFLD Tagesstatistik for MUC seems to be missing for this date?)
2016-02-21 9M0883 YYE YXS 1440 1510 D38 Adam Smith
2016-03-11 9M0888 YXS YYE 1225 1455 D38 Adam Smith

Not in FlightStats; have not found FlightAware link; either ACARSD was checked or it was not running at the time of this flight:

2010-08-29 AC8183 YVR YXJ 1045 1214 --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX; type is likely CRJ)
2010-08-29 9M0747 YXJ YYE 1330 1420 D38 Adam Smith
2010-09-19 9M0748 YYE YXJ 1430 1520 D38 Adam Smith
2010-09-19 AC8186 YXJ YVR 1612 1740 --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX; type is likely CRJ)
2010-11-08 NZ8440 WLG NPE 1130 1221 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2010-11-06 NZ2368 ROT AKL 1513 1546 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-06 NZ2674 AKL KKE 1730 1805 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-08 NZ8673 KKE AKL 1723 1803 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2011-04-03 AR1724 EZE IGR 0900 1055 735 Adam Smith
2011-04-05 AR1735 IGR EZE 1745 1931 735 Adam Smith
2011-04-07 LA2426 EZE LIM 0845 1133 763 Adam Smith
2011-04-08 2I1181 LIM CUZ 0820 0940 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-08 2I1181 CUZ PEM 1010 1110 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-11 2I1182 PEM CUZ 1130 1230 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-24 LA0601 LIM SCL 0115 0635 763 Adam Smith
2011-04-24 LA0841 SCL IPC 0921 1238 763 Adam Smith
2011-05-01 LA0842 IPC SCL 1357 2033 763 Adam Smith
2011-05-01 LA0530 SCL LIM 2201 2356 763 Adam Smith
2011-11-10 QR0622 KUL HKT 2142 2206 333 Adam Smith
2011-11-16 PG0272 HKT BKK 1043 1204 320 Adam Smith
2011-11-16 PG0913 BKK REP 1350 1449 320 Adam Smith
2011-11-21 PG0906 REP BKK 1301 1354 319 Adam Smith
2011-11-21 PG0219 BKK CNX 1709 1834 320 Adam Smith
2012-10-26 WW3501 KEF LGW 0900 1305 --- Adam Smith (not in the LHR-LGW site; may have been operated by HC or 5W)
2012-11-02 TP1077 AGP LIS 1905 1930 BEH Adam Smith (op by NI)
2013-01-08 9H0812 AUA CUR 1710 2017 320 Adam Smith
2013-04-27 SA1341 PLZ DUR 1535 1640 CRJ Adam Smith (op by XZ)
2013-11-10 UA1757 IAD KWI 2150 ---- 772 Adam Smith (IRROPS replacement for UA982 previous day)
2013-11-11 UA1757 KWI BAH 2025 ---- 772 Adam Smith (same as above))
2014-02-24 NN0104 AER DME 1004 1159 752 Adam Smith
2014-11-01 AK0507 SIN DPS 1644 1916 320 Adam Smith (op by QZ)
2014-11-29 AC8143 YEG YYC 1424 1513 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2014-11-29 AC7215 YYC YQL 1538 1623 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2014-11-29 AC7218 YQL YYC 1638 1737 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2016-12-07 5C0421 SJO FON 1400 1420 L4T Adam Smith
2016-12-12 5C0421 XQP SJO 1515 1535 L4T Adam Smith
  • Wow
Reaktionen: red_travels


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Many of these are long shots, I’m sure, but this forum has found all sorts of crazy stuff out there, so I’m back with another batch of requests as I try to help another friend.

I know it’s quite a few, but I’ve already done about 700 myself – these are the ones I’ve not been able to find! Notes below on the sources I’ve checked.

As always, I appreciate the assistance of this community 😊

I don’t think any of the major tracking sites would have these since they're so old, not sure there’s anywhere they could be found:

1990-07-14 CP0071 FRA YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1993-12-20 2T0107 YVR YOW ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1994-01-03 2T0108 YOW YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1995-08-18 AC0177 YOW YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1998-11-23 TS0290 YVR PVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1998-11-30 TS0291 PVR YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith

Not in FlightStats, FlightAware (either it was checked and the registration isn’t stored with the flight or this is before FlightAware kept tail numbers with flight numbers), or ACARSD (either ACARSD was checked or it was not running at the time of this flight):

1999-11-25 TS0252 YVR POP ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
1999-12-02 TS0253 POP YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2000-07-11 QF0004 YVR HNL 2020 ---- --- Adam Smith
2000-07-18 QF0003 HNL YVR 0050 ---- --- Adam Smith
2001-02-23 TS0256 YVR PVR 0600 ---- --- Adam Smith
2001-03-01 TS---- PVR YVR 1400 ---- --- Adam Smith
2002-06-18 AC8260 YCD YVR 1140 ---- --- Adam Smith
2002-06-18 AC0248 YVR YEG 1230 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-07-31 TS0852 YVR FRA 1740 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-11 LH4272 MUC BCN 1110 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-17 LH5843 BCN MUC 1200 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-22 TS0853 FRA YEG 1555 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-08-25 TS---- YEG YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-04-29 VE0205 MSE AMS ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-05-26 FR0025 BVA DUB ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-08-08 AC0162 YVR YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-08-09 AC7966 YYZ PIT ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2005-08-14 AC7947 PIT YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2005-08-14 AC0137 YVR YYZ ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-10 5G5110 YVR YYC ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-10 5G5110 YYC VRA ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2006-04-17 5G5111 VRA YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith (late-night departure, arrived YVR early AM on the 18th)
2007-07-01 AC8183 YVR YXJ 0907 1144 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2007-07-01 9M0747 YXJ YYE 1430 1420 BEH Adam Smith
2007-07-27 9M0794 YYE YXJ 1340 1530 BEH Adam Smith
2007-05-26 WS0136 YVR YEG 1000 1223 736 Adam Smith
2007-05-27 AC0247 YEG YVR 1721 1753 E90 Adam Smith
2008-01-16 WS0978 YYZ MIA 0801 1110 73G Adam Smith
2008-01-17 JM0020 MIA MBJ 1004 1130 320 Adam Smith
2008-01-22 JM0025 MBJ MIA 1727 1859 320 Adam Smith
2008-01-25 WS0683 YYZ YVR 1758 2008 738 Adam Smith (the ACARSD hit for this date is the previous date’s flight – this straddles midnight GMT on 25th/26th)
2008-05-10 WS0170 YVR YEG 1332 1552 736 Adam Smith
2008-05-23 AC0178 YEG YYZ 1538 2128 320 Adam Smith
2009-02-07 AC0234 YVR YEG 0839 1109 E90 Adam Smith
2009-02-08 AC0255 YEG YVR 2306 2345 E90 Adam Smith
2009-02-28 AC8596 YVR SFO 1427 1700 CR9 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith
2009-04-23 GF0547 AUH BAH 2300 2305 320 Adam Smith (note this flight was delayed almost 12 hours, but I don’t have actuals – these are the scheduled date/time)
2009-05-24 G40201 BLI LAS 0930 1144 --- Adam Smith (not in BTS either)
2009-05-28 G40589 LAS BLI 1635 1849 --- Adam Smith (not in BTS either)
2009-10-13 QF2380 BNE HVB 1710 1803 DH3 Adam Smith (op by SSQ)
2010-01-10 CO0288 YVR IAH 0751 1415 739 Adam Smith
2010-01-18 9K0882 STT SJU 1540 1613 --- Adam Smith
2010-04-02 UAL6705 YEG ORD 1250 1725 CR7 Adam Smith (op by OO)
2010-04-11 HC0901 KEF CPH 0700 1209 --- Adam Smith (may have been operated by 5W)
2010-06-05 AC0238 YVR YEG 1248 1509 320 Adam Smith
2010-06-07 AC0253 YEG YVR 1851 1922 E90 Adam Smith
2011-12-01 LH2233 CDG MUC 1722 1839 319 Adam Smith (doesn’t look to be in DFLD MUC Tagesstatistik?)
2012-03-12 9M0804 YVR YDQ 1245 1445 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-03-12 9M0804 YDQ YYE 1510 1610 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-01 9M0805 YYE YDQ 1635 1735 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-01 9M0805 YDQ YVR 1830 2030 DH1 Adam Smith
2012-04-03 CM0303 LAX PTY 01541011 738 Adam Smith
2013-10-07 AC0616 YYZ YHZ 1710 2017 320 Adam Smith
2014-09-01 9M0795 YXJ YYE 1310 1400 D38 Adam Smith
2014-09-21 9M0796 YYE YXJ 1445 1535 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-01 9M0791 YXJ YYE 1050 1040 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-22 9M0756 YYE YXS 1130 1310 D38 Adam Smith
2014-12-22 9M0756 YXS YVR 1410 1535 D38 Adam Smith
2015-01-12 AC8406 YLW YYC 1000 1159 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-02-28 AC8360 YQU YEG 0554 0710 DH3 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-04-09 9M0791 YXJ YYE 0950 1040 D38 Adam Smith
2015-06-14 LH1844 MUC FCO 1236 1409 321 Adam Smith (DFLD Tagesstatistik for MUC seems to be missing for this date?)
2016-02-21 9M0883 YYE YXS 1440 1510 D38 Adam Smith
2016-03-11 9M0888 YXS YYE 1225 1455 D38 Adam Smith

Not in FlightStats; have not found FlightAware link; either ACARSD was checked or it was not running at the time of this flight:

2010-08-29 AC8183 YVR YXJ 1045 1214 --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX; type is likely CRJ)
2010-08-29 9M0747 YXJ YYE 1330 1420 D38 Adam Smith
2010-09-19 9M0748 YYE YXJ 1430 1520 D38 Adam Smith
2010-09-19 AC8186 YXJ YVR 1612 1740 --- Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX; type is likely CRJ)
2010-11-08 NZ8440 WLG NPE 1130 1221 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2010-11-06 NZ2368 ROT AKL 1513 1546 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-06 NZ2674 AKL KKE 1730 1805 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-08 NZ8673 KKE AKL 1723 1803 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2011-04-03 AR1724 EZE IGR 0900 1055 735 Adam Smith
2011-04-05 AR1735 IGR EZE 1745 1931 735 Adam Smith
2011-04-07 LA2426 EZE LIM 0845 1133 763 Adam Smith
2011-04-08 2I1181 LIM CUZ 0820 0940 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-08 2I1181 CUZ PEM 1010 1110 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-11 2I1182 PEM CUZ 1130 1230 --- Adam Smith
2011-04-24 LA0601 LIM SCL 0115 0635 763 Adam Smith
2011-04-24 LA0841 SCL IPC 0921 1238 763 Adam Smith
2011-05-01 LA0842 IPC SCL 1357 2033 763 Adam Smith
2011-05-01 LA0530 SCL LIM 2201 2356 763 Adam Smith
2011-11-10 QR0622 KUL HKT 2142 2206 333 Adam Smith
2011-11-16 PG0272 HKT BKK 1043 1204 320 Adam Smith
2011-11-16 PG0913 BKK REP 1350 1449 320 Adam Smith
2011-11-21 PG0906 REP BKK 1301 1354 319 Adam Smith
2011-11-21 PG0219 BKK CNX 1709 1834 320 Adam Smith
2012-10-26 WW3501 KEF LGW 0900 1305 --- Adam Smith (not in the LHR-LGW site; may have been operated by HC or 5W)
2012-11-02 TP1077 AGP LIS 1905 1930 BEH Adam Smith (op by NI)
2013-01-08 9H0812 AUA CUR 1710 2017 320 Adam Smith
2013-04-27 SA1341 PLZ DUR 1535 1640 CRJ Adam Smith (op by XZ)
2013-11-10 UA1757 IAD KWI 2150 ---- 772 Adam Smith (IRROPS replacement for UA982 previous day)
2013-11-11 UA1757 KWI BAH 2025 ---- 772 Adam Smith (same as above))
2014-02-24 NN0104 AER DME 1004 1159 752 Adam Smith
2014-11-01 AK0507 SIN DPS 1644 1916 320 Adam Smith (op by QZ)
2014-11-29 AC8143 YEG YYC 1424 1513 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK or ZX)
2014-11-29 AC7215 YYC YQL 1538 1623 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2014-11-29 AC7218 YQL YYC 1638 1737 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2016-12-07 5C0421 SJO FON 1400 1420 L4T Adam Smith
2016-12-12 5C0421 XQP SJO 1515 1535 L4T Adam Smith
Hi @Adam Smith,

First batch:
found 2003-07-31 TS0852 YVR FRA 1740 ---- --- Adam Smith C-GGTS #6441
found 2003-08-22 TS0853 FRA YEG 1555 ---- --- Adam Smith C-GGTS #6441
found 2009-02-07 AC0234 YVR YEG 0839 1109 E90 Adam Smith C-FHKE #6441
found 2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith C-FFYT #6441 (source ACARS Oakland - this was recorded at 06:22am GMT, which seems to be a bit early for this flight? (incorrect, see below)
found 2012-04-03 CM0303 LAX PTY 01541011 738 Adam Smith HP-1727CMP #6441
found 2015-06-14 LH1844 MUC FCO 1236 1409 321 Adam Smith (DFLD Tagesstatistik for MUC seems to be missing for this date?) D-AIDP #6441
found 2013-11-10 UA1757 IAD KWI 2150 ---- 772 Adam Smith (IRROPS replacement for UA982 previous day) N794UA #6441
found 2013-11-11 UA1757 KWI BAH 2025 ---- 772 Adam Smith (same as above)) N794UA #6441
found 2014-02-24 NN0104 AER DME 1004 1159 752 Adam Smith RA-73017 #6441
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Erfahrenes Mitglied
Some other "indirect" hits, I'll let you be the judge on these.

found 2009-02-08 AC0255 YEG YVR 2306 2345 E90 Adam Smith C-FHKE #6442
Data from World Acars Reports meinte:
C-FHKE;E190;AC;08:31;2009.02.09;AC0255;YEG-YVR;-08:00 Vancouver Island BC Canada 1.70RC3;ACARS LOG 0000 20090209 to 2359 20090209

found 2011-04-24 LA0601 LIM SCL 0115 0635 763 Adam Smith CC-CXJ #6442
This was tracked over central Mexico (Durango) on 2011-04-23 between 22:10-22:20 UTC. According to ACARS logs on other days the route was LAX-LIM-SCL.
Given a flight time of around 6-7h from this location to LIM it seems like a plausible match.

found 2011-05-01 LA0530 SCL LIM 2201 2356 763 Adam Smith CC-CZW #6442
Data from lockonaviation meinte:
CC-CDM;LA0530;11-05-02 08:08;B767-352(ER);LAN Airlines
This time is local (Gaithersburg, MD) and according to FM the route was SCL-LIM-JFK.

found 2014-11-01 AK0507 SIN DPS 1644 1916 320 Adam Smith (op by QZ) PK-AZH #6442
Found via QZ flight numbers QZ506/QZ507


Erfahrenes Mitglied
@Adam Smith


found 2011-11-10 QR0622 KUL HKT 2142 2206 333 Adam Smith A7-AEC #6443
A7-AECA333QR055020111110QR0622DOH-KUL[[+03:00] Manila, Philippines [1.70RC3]]DOH-KUL
A7-AECA333QR032920111111QR0623HKT-KUL-DOH[[+03:00] Manila, Philippines [1.70RC3]]


Time update
2005-05-26 FR0025 BVA DUB 1350 ---- --- Adam Smith

Aircraft update
2005-04-29 VE0205 MSE AMS ---- ---- F100 Adam Smith
eujet had only 6 F100

Edit: for WW3501 I will do a separate post
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Erfahrenes Mitglied
2012-10-26 WW3501 KEF LGW 0900 1305 --- Adam Smith (not in the LHR-LGW site; may have been operated by HC or 5W)

This is kinda confusing

On flightdata24 I found the following showing that the flight number should be HCC501 until 22.10.2012


Found also this flight number on KEF Homepage (27.09.12)

27. SepHCC501London Gatwick09:0009:00On Time

But on 25.10.12 and 31.10.12 the flight at this time was X90201 (other dates between 27.09. and 25.10. I haven't found)

25. OctX9201London Gatwick09:0009:19Departed 09:04

31. OctX9201London Gatwick09:0009:00On Time

Could it be that with takeover of Iceland Express (HCC) by WOW on 23.10.12 HCC flight were replace by X9?

If so then the reg is

<td height=3D20 class=3Dxl74 style=3D'height:15.0pt'>X9201A</td>
<td class=3Dxl74>LYVEY</td>
<td class=3Dxl74>320</td>
<td class=3Dxl74>13:04</td>
<td class=3Dxl74>19M</td>
<td class=3Dxl74>Avion Express</td>
<td class=3Dxl74></td>
<td colspan=3D9 style=3D'mso-ignore:colspan'></td>

Sorry for the format but can't open mht-files.
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Reaktionen: Adam Smith


Erfahrenes Mitglied
found 2011-11-10 QR0622 KUL HKT 2142 2206 333 Adam Smith A7-AEC #6443
A7-AECA333QR055020111110QR0622DOH-KUL[[+03:00] Manila, Philippines [1.70RC3]]DOH-KUL
A7-AECA333QR032920111111QR0623HKT-KUL-DOH[[+03:00] Manila, Philippines [1.70RC3]]
I also found this, but Manila is over 1500 miles away from the flight path that the aircraft would have been on.
Could the data (flight number) be wrong or do they sometimes aggregate data from multiple ACARS receivers in different locations?
edit: Or is that just the time zone?
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Reaktionen: Adam Smith


Erfahrenes Mitglied
I also found this, but Manila is over 1500 miles away from the flight path that the aircraft would have been on.
Could the data (flight number) be wrong or do they sometimes aggregate data from multiple ACARS receivers in different locations?
edit: Or is that just the time zone?
To be honest, I don't know and I have often been surprised at the hits that are shown with Manila as the source.

My guess is that they either use HDLF or, as you mentioned, are an amalgamation of several sources.

Here's an example of what should be impossible if Manila is the only location of the receiver (except maybe for hfdl)

Airbus A330-200KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesPH-AOH D03KL 0430Dubai 12:15 11:42 Geland

PH-AOHA332KL053220110314KL0430DXB-AMS[[+03:00] Manila, Philippines [1.70RC3]]DXB-AMS

Adam Smith

Reguläres Mitglied
@euul and @SaschaX99 thanks so much for your awesome help :) These are some really cool finds.

found 2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith C-FFYT #6441 (source ACARS Oakland - this was recorded at 06:22am GMT, which seems to be a bit early for this flight?

Is this ACARS hit from 2009-03-03 in GMT, or 2009-03-04? 0622 GMT is 2222 Pacific time on the previous day. If it's the correct date, it actually looks too late, because the aircraft should be landing at YVR around that time. The previous day's flight was severely delayed, so 2009-03-03 06:22 GMT would actually fit well with the 2009-03-02 (local) departure. Any hits for the one I'm looking for should be on 2009-03-04 GMT.

Some other "indirect" hits, I'll let you be the judge on these.

found 2009-02-08 AC0255 YEG YVR 2306 2345 E90 Adam Smith C-FHKE #6442

I'm curious, what makes this an "indirect" hit?

found 2011-04-24 LA0601 LIM SCL 0115 0635 763 Adam Smith CC-CXJ #6442
This was tracked over central Mexico (Durango) on 2011-04-23 between 22:10-22:20 UTC. According to ACARS logs on other days the route was LAX-LIM-SCL.
Given a flight time of around 6-7h from this location to LIM it seems like a plausible match.

found 2011-05-01 LA0530 SCL LIM 2201 2356 763 Adam Smith CC-CZW #6442

This time is local (Gaithersburg, MD) and according to FM the route was SCL-LIM-JFK.

Any idea how reliable these "direct" flights with stops are? I think LIM was somewhat of a hub for LAN back then. I know the European airlines and AC usually use the same aircraft on those "direct" flights, but the US airlines are horrible at re-using the same flight number for totally random stuff (e.g. YYC-IAH on a 320 then IAH-RSW on a 738). I'm not sure where LAN falls, and how consistently an aircraft would have operated something like LAX-LIM-SCL vs having different aircraft on the two legs.

Time update
2005-05-26 FR0025 BVA DUB 1350 ---- --- Adam Smith

Aircraft update
2005-04-29 VE0205 MSE AMS ---- ---- F100 Adam Smith
eujet had only 6 F100

Thanks for both, not sure how I missed the EUJet fleet when I looked them up on the Wikipedia page :(

On the FR one, they still had a few 732s at the time, so I couldn't be certain whether it was operated by 732 or 738.

This is kinda confusing

On flightdata24 I found the following showing that the flight number should be HCC501 until 22.10.2012


But on 25.10.12 and 31.10.12 the flight at this time was X90201 (other dates between 27.09. and 25.10. I haven't found)


Could it be that with takeover of Iceland Express (HCC) by WOW on 23.10.12 HCC flight were replace by X9?

It's all very strange. According to PlaneSpotters, as of October 2012, WOW had two A320s, LY-COS and LY-VEY, which were leased from Avion Express. COS is marked as leased to WOW but "operated by" Avion, so perhaps a wet lease? VEY just says "leased from", which usually means a dry lease. But it's odd that they're inconsistent. I had assumed they were dry leases (wet leases often don't show up at all in PlaneSpotters), in which case I would have thought they'd show up as WW flight numbers rather than X9.

The FlightStats record is confusing (see image below). As far as I can tell, WOW's IATA code has always been WW, but FlightStats has it stored as W2, which is currently assigned to FlexFlight and long ago was Canadian Western Airlines. It says it was operated by Holidays Czech Airlines (IATA code HC), which at the time operated flights on behalf of Iceland Express, which WOW had bought just a few days before. Astraeus Airlines (5W) used to operate flights on Iceland Express's behalf, which is why I mentioned it in my earlier post, although I see now that they went under at the end of 2011, so would not have operated this flight.

If X9 actually operated this flight rather than HC, it's odd that FlightStats shows it as operated by HC, but FlightStats isn't always perfect, especially that far back. And/or there could have been a late substitution, with HC having been planned to operate it and X9 subbed in due to mechanical or whatever.

I think LY-VEY looks correct though. It was one of the aircraft operated either by or for WOW, and the time is very appropriate to the scheduled arrival time, so I think we can consider this one solved, unless someone thinks differently.



Erfahrenes Mitglied
found 2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith C-FFYT #6441 (source ACARS Oakland - this was recorded at 06:22am GMT, which seems to be a bit early for this flight? (incorrect, see below)
Sorry, looks like I got confused with the timezones again. The previous find was not correct :help:

found 2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith C-FFYT C-FHNX #6648
Data from World Acars Reports meinte:
C-FHNX;E190;AC;06:29;2009.03.04;AC0564;YVR-SFO;-08:00 Vancouver, Canada 1.70RC3;ACARS LOG 0000 20090304 to 2359 20090304

I also ran some other searches on the following day:
found 2007-05-27 AC0247 YEG YVR 1721 1753 E90 Adam Smith C-FYJG #6648
Data from meinte:
C-FYJG (A319 AC) 0416 20070528 AC0246 (YVR-YEG) [Ladysmith,Vancouver Island]
I'm guessing these aircraft are based at YVR and fly straight back there from YEG?

found 2008-01-25 WS0683 YYZ YVR 1758 2008 738 Adam Smith C-FGWJ #6648
Data from meinte:
C-FGWJ (B737 WS) 2042 20080126 WS0682 (YVR-YYZ-YHZ) [Ladysmith,Vancouver Island [TZ -8:00]]
Assuming WS0683 is the return flight of WS682? I guess you'll know more about WS rotations in 2008 than I do @Adam Smith ;-)

found 2011-12-01 LH2233 CDG MUC 1722 1839 319 Adam Smith D-AILY #6648
aka DLH88M
Planefinder has this plane (which landed in MUC at 18:34 according to DFLD) as LFFL-EDDM, which is why I didn't find this at first. But the track clearly originates in CDG and not LYS:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Is this ACARS hit from 2009-03-03 in GMT, or 2009-03-04? 0622 GMT is 2222 Pacific time on the previous day. If it's the correct date, it actually looks too late, because the aircraft should be landing at YVR around that time. The previous day's flight was severely delayed, so 2009-03-03 06:22 GMT would actually fit well with the 2009-03-02 (local) departure. Any hits for the one I'm looking for should be on 2009-03-04 GMT.
Yes, my mistake, see my previous post (which I posted at the same time as your reply).

I'm curious, what makes this an "indirect" hit?
Basically, I have a script which runs the "exact match" search first, and just finds data from the exact date specified (and exact flight numbers/routes).
But I clearly have some time zone issues there :yes:

So in the end I found it only after running the extended search, which matches on routes, possible outbound/return flights, plus/minus one day etc.

Any idea how reliable these "direct" flights with stops are? I think LIM was somewhat of a hub for LAN back then. I know the European airlines and AC usually use the same aircraft on those "direct" flights, but the US airlines are horrible at re-using the same flight number for totally random stuff (e.g. YYC-IAH on a 320 then IAH-RSW on a 738). I'm not sure where LAN falls, and how consistently an aircraft would have operated something like LAX-LIM-SCL vs having different aircraft on the two legs.
I looked at some data on flightmemory, and it seems that at least widebodies were based at SCL, and hence both legs would be operated by the same aircraft.
FM is a great source in general for this kind of stuff, because you can search for the flight number and find people that took both flights in succession.

One of my projects is to build out my search tool to allow similar kinds of searches, e.g. all matches for one flight number/aircraft/callsign over a long period of time. Here in Europe we have a lot of trouble with airlines using weird callsigns instead of their flight numbers (like DLH88M above), but it could also help in cases like this.
We have a ton of data, especially for 2010+, but it's sometimes hard to combine all the information from different sources.

Adam Smith

Reguläres Mitglied
Sorry, looks like I got confused with the timezones again. The previous find was not correct :help:

found 2009-03-03 AC0565 SFO YVR 2032 2233 E90 Adam Smith C-FFYT C-FHNX #6648

Sehr gut :)

I also ran some other searches on the following day:
found 2007-05-27 AC0247 YEG YVR 1721 1753 E90 Adam Smith C-FYJG #6648

I'm guessing these aircraft are based at YVR and fly straight back there from YEG?

246 definitely was not the inbound for 247 because 247 departed YEG at 1730, and 246 only arrived at YEG at 2130. The inbound for 247 would have probably been either 240 from YVR or 127 from YYZ. Hard to say which, since they arrived 5 minutes apart. FlightStats shows 127 as operated by an E90, and 240 as operated by a 320, so the YYZ flight (127) is more likely. But I'm not 100% confident in that, because FlightStats is not always reliable on aircraft type, especially that long ago. (One of the flights I listed as "likely" CRJ is mentioned in FlightStats as a Fokker 100. AC has never had Fokker 100s, ever. And there are some contemporaneous posts on FlyerTalk noting that flights that were actually operated by CRJs showing as F100s in FlightStats. I've also had a number of occasions where FlightStats showed something was a 320, but when I found the actual FIN it was an E90, or FS said 321 but it was a 319, and so on).

Looking at ACARSD, 240 was operated by C-FTJS. It was captured near YYZ a few hours later operating YEG-YYZ, so that should mean the inbound was AC127. Unless there was an aircraft sitting around on the ground at YEG for a few hours, which is possible but not super likely. No hits on 127 on ACARSD.

found 2008-01-25 WS0683 YYZ YVR 1758 2008 738 Adam Smith C-FGWJ #6648

Assuming WS0683 is the return flight of WS682? I guess you'll know more about WS rotations in 2008 than I do @Adam Smith ;-)

Leider, nicht. The inbound would have likely been 651 from YHZ or 927 from MCO. Maybe even 732 from YQT. Very hard to tell. YYZ was... I don't know whether they would have called it a hub or just a focus city at that time, but lots of movements in and out (and they may even have had a maintenance hangar there), so not easy to find things based on inbounds (except maybe for some things like PBI-YYZ, which definitely would have been a turn from YYZ-PBI).

found 2011-12-01 LH2233 CDG MUC 1722 1839 319 Adam Smith D-AILY #6648
aka DLH88M
Planefinder has this plane (which landed in MUC at 18:34 according to DFLD) as LFFL-EDDM, which is why I didn't find this at first. But the track clearly originates in CDG and not LYS

That's awesome, I had forgotten all about Planefinder.

I looked at some data on flightmemory, and it seems that at least widebodies were based at SCL, and hence both legs would be operated by the same aircraft.
FM is a great source in general for this kind of stuff, because you can search for the flight number and find people that took both flights in succession.

I hadn't thought to go and check that yet. We don't have very many of these "direct" flights with stops here in North America, but that's a good point. I did look at the history for LA530 and LA601, and yes, the small number of people that took both flights in succession, and saved the registration (which is always, sadly, so few) all had the same aircraft, so that looks fairly reliable.