Masterthread Registration-Suche



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1993-08-20 US0891 FRA CLT ---- ---- B762 stoze (Flugnummer nicht 100% sicher)
Dieses Bild hat der User als sein Bild vor dem Abflug bei Airliners hochgeladen..

Anhang anzeigen 204356

Es muss die 647 sein.

USAir had no other 762s with regi/fleet n. ending in 7, and the last number on the front gear door is a 7 for sure - I think we can tell even without sharpening that the shape, although incomplete, can only be a 7.
@stoze ist das Dein Foto?
Akzeptierst Du die N647US als gültigen Treffer?
-> bitte kurz bestätigen dann setze ich das auf found.

@stoze und auch bitte gerne Feedback zu Saschas Frage zu World Airline. Was meinst Du?


Reguläres Mitglied
Danke, dass ihr darauf nochmal zurückkommt. Die Bilder hätte ich natürlich auch hier posten können, als ich sie gefunden habe, sorry.

Die Argumentation bei beiden Anfragen ergibt Sinn und ich würde das ganze auch als gelöst betrachten:
found: 1996-06-30 WO1209 FRA SEA ---- ---- DC10 stoze (weiter nach LAX) N107WA
found: 1993-08-20 US0891 FRA CLT ---- ---- B762 stoze N647US

Nochmal vielen Dank!! @SaschaX99 @Albertonewyork


Erfahrenes Mitglied
2018-05-26 AC7782 YQX YYT 0520 0617 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7752 YHZ YYG 1203 1250 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7753 YYG YHZ 1303 1345 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7756 YHZ YYG 1845 1938 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7757 YYG YHZ 1950 2030 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7760 YHZ YQM 1405 1447 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-28 AC7763 YQM YHZ 1515 1549 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
2018-05-29 AC7782 YQX YYT 0520 0612 BEH Adam Smith (op by 8K, EVS, Exploits Valley Air Services)
hat ne Weile gedauert bis ich herausgefunden hab was Adam Smith mit EVS meinte, die Airline war tatsächlich nicht in der ICAO-Übersichts-Liste der Wikipedia.
Die Airline hatte zu der Zeit 10 aktive Beech, und ein paar sind tatsächlich auch bei Flightera getrackt worden im Mai 2018.

C-FEVA no relevant flights tracked
C-FPUB no relevant flights tracked
C-GORI no relevant flights tracked

Ich hab OpenSkyNetworks durchsucht, die haben aber keinen der genannten Flieger getrackt.

Vielleicht kommt man da mit dem Ausschluss-Prinzip weiter / kann den Kreis enger ziehen?
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Reaktionen: red_travels


Erfahrenes Mitglied
hat ne Weile gedauert bis ich herausgefunden hab was Adam Smith mit EVS meinte, die Airline ist tatsächlich nicht in der ICAO-Übersichts-Liste der Wikipedia.
Die Airline hatte zu der Zeit 10 aktive Beech, und ein paar sind tatsächlich auch bei Flightera getrackt worden im Mai 2018.

C-FEVA no relevant flights tracked
C-FPUB no relevant flights tracked
C-GORI no relevant flights tracked

Ich hab OpenSkyNetworks durchsucht, die haben aber keinen der genannten Flieger getrackt.

Vielleicht kommt man da mit dem Ausschluss-Prinzip weiter / kann den Kreis enger ziehen?
Ich hatte das schonmal angefangen und versucht die Routings nachzubauen, aber das ist aufgrund fehlender Flugpläne echt schwierig und hab es dann wieder verworfen.


In deiner Liste fehlt die C-GLXV. Dafür kann die C-FEVA raus, da lt. rizjet in 2016 written off.

Und folgende Trackings habe ich noch gefunden, allerdings ohne Flugnummer

PBlink3 BaseStation Flights report for 2018-05-28
Location : Bear River NS CA times are local ADT/UTC -3

C06279 C-GLHO B190 16:01 16:01
C06420 C-GLXV B190 22:06 22:09
C06B74 C-GORZ B190 19:35 19:38

PBlink3 BaseStation Flights report for 2018-05-27
Location : Bear River NS CA times are local ADT/UTC -3

C06420 C-GLXV B190 21:46 21:46

Und hier noch ein Bild vom 08.04.2018 von der EVAS Seite mit den Routings evas routings.jpg
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Reaktionen: bursche99


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Ein bisschen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe:

Gute und wichtige Quellen zur Registrierungssuche

die jeder kennen sollte!

Weitere, etwas speziellere Quellen:

OpenSky Network
OpenSky ist eine OpenSource-Software bzw. Datenbank mit der man scheinbar viel suchen kann:
Die Suche über Opensky funktioniert recht komplex über eine Konsole für die @bursche99 Zugang hat. Bei Bedarf bitte einfach melden, vorab jedoch unter und Network Coverage schauen ob für die angefragte Region und den Monat überhaupt Daten vorliegen. Leider ist die historische Abdeckung eher gering.

Yep, siehe auch hier:
bzw. zum Download
Ist ganz nett zum stöbern...

Und die Zeiten (first seen / last seen) sind in epoch time..

Grundsätzlich ist das ein REST-API / eine Datenbank die ein paar Abfrage-Modi erlaubt:

Geben dann einen solche Liste aus mit Einzeleinträgen wie oben, d.h.
- airframe (icao24)
- estimated departure und arrival airport
- zeitraum
- callsign
- und die relative position
I requested access some years ago to their database and REST API search, and got it granted without any problems.
The DB is not easy, while the REST API can be dealt with, but it remains a complex technical source.

their historical coverage is not great either, check and see it going down with the years.
EDIT: the historical view has been removed from this page...
today's coverage is not great, the same problems as all other sources -> no/very low coverage in SEA, MENA and Africa in general, and South America.

I might not have mentioned it, but I searched your flights on OSN with no results (other than shown here, but those are from libhomeradar only
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Reaktionen: red_travels


Reguläres Mitglied
I requested access some years ago to their database and REST API search, and got it granted without any problems.
The DB is not easy, while the REST API can be dealt with, but it remains a complex technical source.

their historical coverage is not great either, check and see it going down with the years.
It lacks the same problems as all other sources -> no/very low coverage in SEA, MENA and Africa in general, and South America.

I might not have mentioned it, but I searched your flights on OSN with no results (other than shown here, but those are from libhomeradar only
Thanks I wil check those links


Erfahrenes Mitglied
e.g. : 2014-11-04 WN1999 PUJ MDW 1809 2125 73G @Adam Smith

I did some more searching to find tail numbers for the WN flights, but I think that's hopeless since the planes apparently sent acars, but all the logs I found don't include a flight number.

Here two examples:

SBS Auto-generated Log from KPGD for 02/11/2014

A5FD2D ---------- N485WN B73G 35975 24550 11/2/2014 17:47:27
A62863 ---------- N496WN B73G 37250 37250 11/2/2014 18:25:44

A63DD8 N501BZ N501BZ CL30 11550 14725 11/2/2014 15:56:35
A64A02 NKS6954 N504NK A319 37000 25525 11/2/2014 18:09:21
A65054 00000000 N506BA F900 12350 23975 11/2/2014 14:39:06
A65170 NKS470 N506NK A319 39000 25750 11/2/2014 20:42:27
A65408 AWE884 N507AY A321 33025 32950 11/2/2014 14:49:15
A6587B JBU1630 N508JL A320 13125 18250 11/2/2014 14:59:19

SBS-1 Log from Sylmar,California 29-10-2014

A2B810 N27421 UAL1107 9925 900 0 2147 29-10-2014 14:30:31
A2B810 N27421 UAL1517 1275 20375 0 1021 29-10-2014 16:26:37
A2B8C5 N27477 UAL1169 10175 725 0 1036 29-10-2014 09:19:36
A2B8C5 N27477 UAL1641 1175 27275 0 2464 29-10-2014 11:33:56
A2BCD8 N276AT 1810 9950 4350 0 7236 29-10-2014 16:05:04
A2C336 N27722 -------- 1050 28300 0 1064 29-10-2014 08:44:40
A2C27E N277WN -------- 21900 975 0 6331 29-10-2014 09:59:30
A2C27E N277WN -------- 1375 29450 0 1310 29-10-2014 11:58:39
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Reaktionen: bursche99 und Batman


Reguläres Mitglied
I am so happy, I want to announce that I was finally able to find out the registration of the plane in my flight MSR270 from Hurghada to cairo on April 17, 2017, and turned out it is SU-GDC like I thought😃how was I able to find? Using flightaware, i was able to find MSR269 flight from cairo to hurghada on flightaware, and the reg is… SU-GDC, that was really easy I wonder why was it hard for you guys to find😄
You can mark this as solved now
2017-04-17 MSR270 HRG CAI SU-GDC
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Erfahrenes Mitglied
So it you made the old fashion way like we do mostly. And how do you get the departure time? Try and fail or do you found a timetable?


Neues Mitglied

new user and I don't speak German so in English. Over the years I've been logging my flights and have exhausted my known sources. I have a pretty long list of flights missing registrations (more recent) and flight numbers and registrations (older). I realize most of these I'll probably never figure out as I don't have enough information, but if anyone has or can point me to data on any of the following it would be greatly appreciated.

I hope google translate helped me get the format in the correct order :)

For the flights in the 80s/90s which lack a flight number the time shown is probably incorrect. For them to be ordered correctly in openflights a time is required. (if there are no times for two flights on the same day they appear alphabetically)
The types are my recollection or from online sources, they may be wrong.

2007-11-23 WF0329 GOT OSL 15:05 16:00 gotflyer
2007-11-22 WF0324 OSL GOT 06:44 07:39 gotflyer
2007-11-18 SK1462 CPH OSL 08:25 09:35 gotflyer
2006-02-14 LH0972 FRA MUC 13:59 14:53 A321 gotflyer
2005-12-23 LH3057 GOT MUC 08:10 09:49 CRJ1 gotflyer
2005-12-12 SK0149 ARN GOT 06:05 07:05 B736 gotflyer
2005-12-09 SK0172 GOT ARN 06:10 07:15 B736 gotflyer
2005-11-19 LH3057 GOT MUC 08:13 09:55 CRJ1 gotflyer
2005-10-31 LH3042 FRA GOT 12:04 13:36 B733 gotflyer
2005-08-16 SK0175 ARN GOT 23:05 00:04 B738 gotflyer
2005-04-21 SK0165 ARN GOT 17:30 18:29 gotflyer
2005-04-04 LH3042 FRA GOT 12:15 13:44 B733 gotflyer
2005-01-05 SK0432 CPH GOT 08:05 08:50 gotflyer
2004-12-23 SK0443 GOT CPH 10:25 11:12 gotflyer
2004-11-28 SK0151 ARN GOT 09:00 09:55 gotflyer
2004-11-25 SK0152 GOT ARN 10:20 11:19 gotflyer
2004-11-02 LH3040 FRA GOT 08:34 10:07 gotflyer
2004-10-27 LH3045 GOT FRA 06:46 08:27 gotflyer
2004-10-13 SK0430 CPH GOT 08:45 09:30 gotflyer
2004-10-06 SK0441 GOT CPH 10:05 10:50 gotflyer
2004-09-15 SK0441 GOT CPH 10:05 10:50 gotflyer
2004-08-01 LH3042 FRA GOT 12:15 13:44 gotflyer
2004-07-15 SK1631 GOT FRA 19:05 20:34 gotflyer
2004-06-02 SK0436 CPH GOT 12:15 13:00 gotflyer
2004-05-26 SK0441 GOT CPH 10:05 10:50 gotflyer
2004-04-21 SK0165 ARN GOT 17:30 18:29 gotflyer
2004-04-16 SK0441 CPH GOT 08:45 09:30 gotflyer
2004-04-15 SK0926 IAD CPH 17:30 07:30 gotflyer
2004-04-09 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:05 14:45 gotflyer
2004-04-09 SK0441 GOT CPH 10:05 10:50 gotflyer
2004-03-12 SK0161 ARN GOT 15:00 15:59 gotflyer
2004-02-23 SK0161 ARN GOT 15:25 16:24 gotflyer
2004-02-20 SK0156 GOT ARN 13:30 14:29 gotflyer
2004-02-18 SK0434 CPH GOT 10:20 11:05 gotflyer
2004-02-17 SK0926 IAD CPH 17:45 07:30 gotflyer
2004-02-12 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:00 15:00 gotflyer
2004-02-12 SK0441 GOT CPH 09:45 10:30 gotflyer
2004-01-26 SK0434 CPH GOT 10:20 11:05 gotflyer
2004-01-25 SK0926 IAD CPH 17:45 07:30 gotflyer
2004-01-20 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:00 15:00 gotflyer
2004-01-20 SK0441 GOT CPH 09:45 10:30 gotflyer
2003-12-26 SK0173 ARN GOT 21:05 22:05 gotflyer
2003-12-23 SK0152 GOT ARN 11:30 12:25 gotflyer
2003-12-01 SK0434 CPH GOT 10:10 10:55 gotflyer
2003-11-30 SK0926 IAD CPH 17:45 07:30 gotflyer
2003-11-25 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:00 15:00 gotflyer
2003-11-25 SK0441 GOT CPH 09:45 10:30 gotflyer
2003-10-14 SK0434 CPH GOT 09:55 10:40 gotflyer
2003-10-08 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:00 14:40 gotflyer
2003-10-08 SK0441 GOT CPH 09:45 10:30 gotflyer
2003-09-29 SK0141 ARN GOT 06:30 07:25 gotflyer
2003-09-25 SK0166 GOT ARN 19:00 19:55 gotflyer
2003-09-03 SK0434 CPH GOT 09:55 10:40 gotflyer
2003-08-28 SK0925 CPH IAD 12:00 14:40 gotflyer
2003-08-28 SK0441 GOT CPH 09:45 10:30 gotflyer
2003-07-22 SK0434 CPH GOT gotflyer
2003-07-21 SK0926 IAD CPH gotflyer
2003-07-17 SK0925 CPH IAD gotflyer
2003-07-17 SK0435 GOT CPH gotflyer
2003-05-20 SK0434 CPH GOT gotflyer
2003-05-19 SK0926 IAD CPH gotflyer
2003-05-04 SK0433 GOT CPH gotflyer
2003-04-21 SK0165 ARN GOT 17:30 18:29 gotflyer
2003-03-17 KL1157 AMS GOT gotflyer
2003-03-17 KL1666 BCN AMS gotflyer
2003-03-13 KL1671 AMS BCN gotflyer
2003-03-13 KL1152 GOT AMS gotflyer
2002-12-29 LH3040 FRA GOT 10:10 11:50 B735 gotflyer
2002-12-28 LH0419 IAD FRA 17:55 07:35 B744 gotflyer
2002-12-11 LH0418 FRA IAD 13:10 15:55 gotflyer
2002-12-11 LH3011 GOT FRA 06:30 08:20 B735 gotflyer
2002-08-26 SK1638 FRA GOT gotflyer
2002-08-25 LH0527 EZE FRA B744 gotflyer
2002-08-08 LX0094 GRU EZE 07:00 09:38 gotflyer
2002-08-07 LX0094 ZRH GRU 22:51 06:17 gotflyer
2002-08-07 LX1255 ARN ZRH 17:10 19:19 gotflyer
2002-08-04 SK0156 GOT ARN 15:30 16:25 gotflyer
2002-03-18 SK0432 CPH GOT gotflyer
2002-03-17 SK0926 IAD CPH gotflyer
2002-03-01 SK0925 CPH IAD gotflyer
2002-03-01 SK0433 GOT CPH gotflyer
2001-12-30 SK0155 ARN GOT gotflyer
2001-12-23 SK0150 GOT ARN gotflyer
2001-08-14 SK0165 ARN GOT gotflyer
2001-05-20 KL1155 AMS GOT 737 gotflyer
2001-05-19 NW0036 IAD AMS gotflyer
2001-05-08 CO0057 CDG EWR 13:20 15:40 777 gotflyer
2001-05-03 AF1873 GOT CDG 12:25 14:35 gotflyer
2001-02-19 AF1372 CDG GOT 19:25 21:12 gotflyer
2001-02-19 AF1805 FCO CDG gotflyer
2001-02-15 AF2104 CDG FCO 15:25 17:08 gotflyer
2001-02-15 AF1873 GOT CDG gotflyer
2000-11-20 SN2271 BRU GOT gotflyer
2000-11-19 SN0536 IAD BRU gotflyer
2000-11-05 SN0535 BRU IAD gotflyer
2000-11-05 SN2278 GOT BRU gotflyer
2000-05-03 VO0673 VIE GOT gotflyer
2000-05-02 OS0514 IAD VIE gotflyer
2000-04-15 SN0535 BRU IAD gotflyer
2000-04-15 SN2278 GOT BRU gotflyer
2000-01-18 AF1372 CDG GOT 19:30 21:17 gotflyer
2000-01-17 AF0027 IAD CDG gotflyer
2000-01-03 SK0903 ARN EWR gotflyer
2000-01-03 SK0144 GOT ARN gotflyer
1998-08-11 AMS ARN gotflyer
1998-08-10 IAD AMS 18:30 08:43 gotflyer
1998-06-07 NW0037 AMS IAD gotflyer
1998-06-07 ARN AMS gotflyer
1998-05-31 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-05-29 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-04-05 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-04-03 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-03-22 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-03-20 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-03-08 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-03-06 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-02-08 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-02-06 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-01-25 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1998-01-23 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-12-07 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-12-05 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-11-30 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-11-28 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-11-09 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-11-09 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-08-17 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-08-15 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-08-03 ARN LLA gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-08-01 LLA ARN gotflyer (SK, Evening flight)
1997-06-17 EWR ARN 22:00 12:20 gotflyer (Probably SK)
1997-06-17 IAD EWR 15:00 15:55 gotflyer
1996-06-24 EWR ARN 22:00 12:20 gotflyer (Probably SK)
1996-06-24 DCA EWR 15:00 15:54 gotflyer
1996-04-07 LAX IAD gotflyer
1996-03-30 IAD SFO gotflyer
1994-08-05 AMS IAD 747 gotflyer KLM
1994-08-05 ARN AMS gotflyer (Probably KL)
1989-07-18 FRA ARN 14:00 16:01 gotflyer (Probably LH or SK)
1989-07-18 LCA FRA 09:00 11:47 gotflyer (Probably RJ or LH)
1989-07-12 AMM LCA gotflyer (Probably RJ)
1989-03-30 RJ0134 LCA AMM 727 gotflyer (Probably RJ)
1989-03-24 AMM LCA gotflyer (Probably RJ)
1989-01-07 FRA AMM 14:00 19:17 gotflyer
1989-01-07 ARN FRA 09:00 11:01 gotflyer
1988-12-16 FRA ARN 14:00 16:01 gotflyer
1988-12-16 AMM FRA 09:00 12:17 gotflyer
1988-09-03 FRA AMM 13:00 18:17 gotflyer
1988-09-03 ARN FRA 09:00 11:01 gotflyer
1988-05-16 FRA ARN 14:00 16:01 gotflyer
1988-05-16 AMM FRA 09:00 12:17 gotflyer
1987-08-23 FRA AMM 14:00 19:17 gotflyer
1987-08-23 ARN FRA 10:00 12:01 gotflyer
1987-05-25 FCO ARN 14:00 17:01 gotflyer
1987-05-20 AMM FCO 10:00 12:28 gotflyer
1987-03-28 LCA AMM gotflyer
1987-03-20 AMM LCA gotflyer
1987-01-11 FRA AMM 12:00 17:17 gotflyer
1987-01-11 ARN FRA 08:00 10:01 gotflyer
1986-12-17 FRA ARN 15:00 17:01 gotflyer
1986-12-17 AMM FRA 10:00 13:17 gotflyer
1986-08-31 FRA AMM 14:00 19:17 gotflyer
1986-08-31 ARN FRA 08:00 10:01 gotflyer
1986-07-11 FRA ARN 00:00 00:00 gotflyer
1986-07-10 GIG FRA 22:00 15:23 gotflyer
1986-07-10 BSB GIG 18:00 19:38 gotflyer
1986-01-07 FOR BSB gotflyer
1986-01-05 NAT FOR gotflyer
1986-01-02 REC NAT gotflyer
1985-12-28 SSA REC gotflyer
1985-12-26 BSB SSA gotflyer
1985-07-13 GIG BSB 08:00 09:38 gotflyer
1985-07-12 CPH GIG 22:00 06:09 gotflyer
1985-07-12 ARN CPH 18:00 19:11 gotflyer
1985-05-25 LIS ARN gotflyer
1985-05-24 GIG LIS 21:00 11:05 gotflyer
1985-05-24 BSB GIG 18:00 19:38 gotflyer
1984-07-16 GIG BSB gotflyer
1984-07-15 CDG GIG gotflyer
1984-07-12 ARN CDG gotflyer
1984-05-25 CDG ARN gotflyer
1984-05-24 GIG CDG 22:00 14:55 gotflyer (Perhaps AF)
1984-05-24 BSB GIG 18:00 19:38 gotflyer (Likely Varig)
1983-10-15 GIG BSB 07:30 09:08 gotflyer (May not have had an actual flight number, found old scanned brochure online where this is simply referred to as "PONTE" a.k.a. bridge)
1983-10-14 RG0759 LHR GIG 22:30 06:30 gotflyer
1983-10-14 ARN LHR 15:00 17:19 gotflyer


Reguläres Mitglied
For my other flight MSR5746 MED-CAI on July 22, 2011 I was able to find through flightaware the preceeding flight MSR5745, but as I don’t even remember the type of the plane it would be tiring to try out all registrations, can someone check it for me if you have premium membership? Then I would have solved the last mystery and successfully found the registration of all planes I have ever flown on😄

@SasxhaX99 remember when you said that this is a cold case for you😂


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Reaktionen: SaschaX99


Erfahrenes Mitglied
@gotflyer Got one, but now it's bedtime :sleep:

found 2002-12-11 LH3011 GOT FRA 06:30 08:20 B735 gotflyer D-ABIB #5869
D-ABIB (B737 DLH) 0711 20021211 LH3011
S. Acars
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

For my other flight MSR5746 MED-CAI on July 22, 2011 I was able to find through flightaware the preceeding flight MSR5745, but as I don’t even remember the type of the plane it would be tiring to try out all registrations, can someone check it for me if you have premium membership? Then I would have solved the last mystery and successfully found the registration of all planes I have ever flown on😄

@SasxhaX99 remember when you said that this is a cold case for you😂


LOL it was the second reg which I tried



Reguläres Mitglied
@gotflyer Got one, but now it's bedtime :sleep:

found 2002-12-11 LH3011 GOT FRA 06:30 08:20 B735 gotflyer D-ABIB #5869
D-ABIB (B737 DLH) 0711 20021211 LH3011
S. Acars
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

LOL it was the second reg which I tried

Anhang anzeigen 204848
Thank youu for helping, but SU-GBU is an a321 and the plane that I remember was too small to be an a321, maybe a320 or b735, what does that mean😂😂 i am really confused now😂


Erfahrenes Mitglied
You're welcome. I will try tomorrow to find some more.
Thank youu for helping, but SU-GBU is an a321 and the plane that I remember was too small to be an a321, maybe a320, what does that mean😂😂
This means that either Flightaware saved the wrong reg or you have a bad memory.

If the first case is true, then all the findings found at Flightaware and not confirmed by a second source would be questionable.
  • Haha
Reaktionen: red_travels


Reguläres Mitglied
You're welcome. I will try tomorrow to find some more.

This means that either Flightaware saved the wrong reg or you have a bad memory.

If the first case is true, then all the findings found at Flightaware and not confirmed by a second source would be questionable.
Could a third possible scenario be that the return flight MSR5746 MED-CAI used a different plane from the previous flight MSR5745 CAI-MED?

all the other findings for other flights that I checked on flightaware were correct according to other sources like libhomeradar/planefinder/flightera/etc
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Erfahrenes Mitglied
Hej @gotflyer ;)

A couple of these flights were tracked on the acarslogs mailing list. In general I feel like there's a good chance for anything that flew over the UK, as there's good data reaching quite far back for this area.

found 2001-05-19 NW0036 IAD AMS gotflyer N240NW

tracked 2001-05-20 at ~4am. I think this should be the right one, given it was probably a night flight.
Also got a match for 2001-05-19 at 5:40am (N234NW).
20/05/2001 04:00
N240NW FKEL D30 NWA NW0036 Washington Dulles Amsterdam, N/lands

found 2001-02-15 AF2104 CDG FCO 15:25 17:08 gotflyer F-GJVB
F-GJVB (A320 AFR) 15:39 2001/02/15 AF2104

found 2000-11-20 SN2271 BRU GOT gotflyer OO-SYE
SAB2271 09:11 OO-SYE Boeing 737 EBBR - ESGG

found 2000-11-19 SN0536 IAD BRU gotflyer OO-SFM
Here I only got the outbound flight, but the match looks plausible
SAB0535 12:37 OO-SFM Airbus A330 EBBR - KIAD

found 2000-11-05 SN0535 BRU IAD gotflyer OO-SFM
ACARS Log from Warrington 05/11/00
OO-SFM SN0535 05/11/00 11:01

found 2000-05-02 OS0514 IAD VIE gotflyer OE-LAN
02/05/2000 12:39 OE-LAN OS0513 Airbus A330 LOWW - KIAD
03/05/2000 06:00 OE-LAN OS0514

found 2000-04-15 SN0535 BRU IAD gotflyer OO-SFT
15/04/2000 10:38 OO-SFT SN0535 Airbus A330 EBBR - KIAD

found 2000-01-17 AF0027 IAD CDG gotflyer F-GEMP
18/01/2000 10:26 F-GEMP AF0027 Airbus A310 KIAD - LFPG

Also got this from (their old data is a pain to search through, because it's just one big table per month - which is just formatted as text, not even delimited properly):
found 2002-08-25 LH0527 EZE FRA B744 gotflyer D-ABVF
There's almost certainly more to find there, because my script can't handle those files (yet). So if anyone else wants to have a go, this is probably a good place to start.


Neues Mitglied
first of all thanks a lot, that's huge.

found 2000-11-19 SN0536 IAD BRU gotflyer OO-SFM
Here I only got the outbound flight, but the match looks plausible
agreed, they only flew one flight a day.
There's almost certainly more to find there, because my script can't handle those files (yet). So if anyone else wants to have a go, this is probably a good place to start.
yeah I've been through their archives before (but guess I missed that one), lots of those missing flights to and from GOT in the 2000s are the first or last legs of flights to the US, where I've managed to find the transatlantic flight thanks to these archives but not the corresponding intra-EU ones. I'll definitely download them all again and take another go at them though.
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