• Dieses Forum dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch und nicht dem (kommerziellen) Anbieten von Incentives zum Abschluss einer neuen Kreditkarte.

    Wer sich werben lassen möchte, kann gerne ein entsprechendes Thema im Bereich "Marketplace" starten.
    Wer neue Karteninhaber werben möchte, ist hier fehl am Platz. Das Forum braucht keinen Spam zur Anwerbung neuer Kreditkarteninhaber.

    Beiträge, bei denen neue Kreditkarteninhaber geworben werden sollen, werden ohne gesonderte Nachricht in beiden Foren entfernt.

    User, die sich zum Werben neuer Kreditkarteninhaber neu anmelden, werden wegen Spam direkt dauerhaft gesperrt. User, die an anderer Stelle im Forum mitdiskutieren, sich aber nicht an diese Regeln halten, müssen mit mindestens 7 Tagen Forenurlaub rechnen.

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Erfahrenes Mitglied
Announcement to sync. customers for change in the company's business.

Dear Customer, we regret to inform you that due to an ongoing change in our business we will no longer be able to offer our customers personal accounts as we are restructuring our offering.

Announcement to sync. customers for change in the company's business Dear Customer, We regret to inform you that due to an ongoing change in our business we will no longer be able to offer our customers personal accounts as we are restructuring our offering. Therefore, in accordance with our terms and conditions we hereby give you two months’ notice for termination of the agreement between you and Sync.Money UK Ltd or Sync.Money Lithuania UAB. For the avoidance of doubt, the agreement will be effectively terminated on 1‌5t‌h Oc‌tob‌What this means for you After 1‌5t‌h Oc‌to‌ber 20‌22, you will not be able to use your account or IBAN to send or receive payments. Please ensure that any regular payments into your account are redirected. Any funds sent to your account after this date will be returned to the sender. Please withdraw the funds from your account prior to 15‌th Oc‌to‌ber 20‌22. If you still have funds in your account after this date and you would like to withdraw them, please contact support@sync.money.

You will also need to destroy any cards you have, cutting them up before disposing of them. If you require a final copy of your sync. statement, please send an email to support@sync.money