Südafrika, Griechenland, Großbritannien und mehr



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Für 5,5 km machst Du nen extra Blogeintrag? ;)

Das ist in der Tat einer meiner bislang kürzesten Guides. Dafür fühlen sich 5,5 Kilometer im Sand auch an wie 10 :D

An sich ist der Sinn des Ganzen ja auch, dass man das als Normalsterblicher "nachrechnnen" kann. Wenn ich jetzt jedes Mal nen Halbmarathon macehn würde, wären die meisten da schon raus. Abgesehen davon ist das vor dem Frühstück im Hotel, dass es meistens ja nur bis 10:30 gibt, auch recht schwer zu machen :eek:


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Ich ergänze mal noch ein paar Detail-Berichte!

Erstmal noch ein Info-Post für den Airport in Athen und den Airport in Port Elizabeth, für alle, die mal die Ehre haben an diesen Flughäfen abzuheben!

Deutlich spannender: Das ausführliche Review zum Schlossgarten Stuttgart. Sicherlich für einige derjenigen, die öfter mal durch Deutschland reise nicht uninteressant!

Hotel am Schlossgarten Stuttgart is one of the best hotels in the city in Southern Germany. Rated five stars, Hotel am Schlossgarten Stuttgart offers its guests a decent standard including modern rooms and the best restaurant in town. We utterly enjoyed our stay at Hotel am Schlossgarten Stuttgart, but missed a Spa area and a gym nevertheless.






Auch mit einigem Abstand zur Reise, muss ich doch sagen, dass ich jedem nur raten kann Robben Island zu besuchen. Hier haben wir alle unsere Impressionen zusammengefasst.

Robben Island is one of the must-sees when you are visiting Cape Town. Visiting the island is touching, emotional and painful at the same time, but it’s surely interesting to go. The whole Robben Island experience consists of a ferry ride from Cape Town to the island, a bus tour and finally a visit to the maximum security prison.






Und als letztes für dieses kleine Update noch das ausführliche Review der SLOW Lounge Cape Town. Für mich die beste domestic Lounge überhaupt.

SLOW Lounge Cape Town is definitely the best domestic lounge we ever have been to. That’s not only because we didn’t expect something “amazing”, but also because the quality of pretty much everything is amazing. At SLOW Lounge Cape Town, a large buffet, comfortable seating, toilets with a view and even complimentary massages are offered. The only downer is the slow Wi-Fi.







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Vielen Dank für den interessanten Bericht.
Bezüglich des One Aldwych hätte ich noch eine Frage: Gibt es in dem Hotel spezielle Rates für Leaders Club Members?


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Vielen Dank für den interessanten Bericht.
Bezüglich des One Aldwych hätte ich noch eine Frage: Gibt es in dem Hotel spezielle Rates für Leaders Club Members?

Ist manchmal im Leaders Club Private Sale mit dabei (dann ab etwa 350 Euro), allerdings eher die Seltenheit. Ich würde eher die Einlösung von Freinächten empfehlen ;)


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Ich hab mal wieder die Zeit gefunden, einige Detailberichte zu verlinken. Einen Gesamtüberblick gibt es im Eingangspost. Hier nur ein kurzer Überblick!

City Review: Athens

Athens is a city about which Europe was speaking a lot in the last months. Debt crisis, misery of Greece’s inhabitants. Nevertheless, tourism is flourishing in Greece like ever before. No wonder taking into account which cultural heritage Greece and especially Athens has to offer! When being a fan of history, Athens definitely is a must-go!


City Review: Cape Town

Cape Town may not be the capital of South Africa, but is definitely the most interesting city when it comes to tourism. There are many reasons for why it is so interesting, colorful and has many faces: Cape Town definitely has a rich history, having been forming the city ever since. A lot has changed the past 20 years since the end of Apartheid.


City Review: Port Elizabeth

Port Elizabeth is a city we wanted to visit so badly for different reasons while traveling through South Africa, but had heavy problems to find accurate information or city reviews in advance. Admittedly, Port Elizabeth has some areas to avoid and it’s best to be back in the hotel by dusk, but there are more things to enjoy and to see when it’s daytime and bright outside!


City Review: Johannesburg

Johannesburg is located in South Africa and is a city I do not wish to return ever. To make it short, I detested this ugly, dirty city. All I wanted was to hide in the hotel and not leave it despite for the airport. But step by step, here’s why I hated Johannesburg.


City Review: Hermanus

Hermanus is a very small town in South Africa about 100 km away from Cape Town. Technically, it is known as the city for whale watchers. However, unlike many other beautiful spots in South Africa, Hermanus turned out to be a real tourist magnet.


Airline Review: Lufthansa (regional Business)

Lufthansa is known for its brilliant long-haul first class, but not at all for its premium product on short haul flights. Nevertheless, the Lufthansa Business Class on regional flights is not bad. While service and food are very good, the seating is average at best. Is paying extra for business class on Lufthansa regional flights worth it?


Airline Review: Lufthansa (long haul Business)

Lufthansa is one of the biggest carriers in Europe and offers flights to dozens of intercontinental destinations. We took the opportunity to try Lufthansa long haul Business Class on a flight from Frankfurt to Johannesburg and back in an Airbus A380, the biggest aircraft in the fleet. As we had the pleasure to try the newest Business Class product, we absolutely enjoyed our flight.


Airline Review: Comair

Comair operates flights for British Airways in South Africa. Even though the planes look like British Airways ones and the painting and everything else is similar to the mainline, the regional airline Comair is different. The service is friendlier and warmer, the food is quite good for Economy and the planes are way older. Our review of the regional Economy of Comair!
